FAQ: most frequently asked q’s

What do I need to do to start practicing ethical fashion?

It’s ok to start where you are at! We do not need to be experts to do the right thing when we are shopping and making fashion choices. Embrace the journey of learning and that not knowing all the answers is ok. It is going to take time to understand the issues and solutions in the industry and this community is here for you!

How do I know if I am practicing sustainable style the right way?

Remember to trust your judgment and to think through your decisions. Also, tap into how you feel in the clothing you style and create into outfits. The right decision will be the one that makes you feel confident and beautiful. (The most sustainable option is your closet, so “shop there first”.)


It allows people and the planet to be prioritized over profit and the race to the bottom.

how do I shop for ethical fashion?

Buy vintage and secondhand whenever you can! Buying what is already in circulation not only helps your bank account but also the planet :) You don’t have to force yourself to buy from just one brand or one way to do the right thing.


A fun and educational platform that shares Elle Magana Mireles’s journey to sustainable style and ethical fashion. She strives for Amors to go on a journey with her where you end up loving your style and the planet.

What is the shopping ethos for this platform?

Try to buy only the things you really need and really love! Challenge yourself to buy everything secondhand, but it is understandable if you need to buy new undergarments and socks for hygiene purposes!