10 Free Online Sustainable Fashion Events To Attend In August 2022
The following sustainable fashion events are all FREE and completely online. Consider registering for any event you are interested in attending! It is never too late to take out a notebook and pen to join the sustainable fashion movement. This important to continuously learn about the issues and solutions with experts in the fashion industry. Please note that the time of all the events have all been converted to MDT Mountain time.
Thursday, august 4th, 2022
12:30 - 1:30 PM MDT
Fashion, Tell The Truth: Understanding Greenwashing in the Fashion Industry by XR Fashion Action
This panel will feature experts from Adfree Cities, Changing Markets and Labour Behind the Label. They will discuss the dangers of greenwashing found in the fashion industry, how to identify greenwashing, and what can be done to tackle it. You will also learn about XR Fashion Action’s “Fashion Tell the Truth” campaign that is attempting to eliminate the worst greenwashing offenders in the fashion industry.
SUNDAY, august 7th, 2022
3:00 - 4:30 AM MDT
Session 67: Crafting Indigenous Fashion by Tribal Design Forum
This interactive session will feature Cynthia Omokhekpen Asije, a multi-award winning Textile Designer and Creative Director of Adirelounge. You will discover how premium fashion products made with organic fabrics and natural dyes are empowering communities.
10:00 - 11:00 AM MDT
Knitting on Sundays by The Happy Knitting Group
Join an international group that knits together. You must know how to knit and be excited to meet a happy bunch of knitters via Zoom to join.
TUESDAY, august 9th, 2022
4:00 - 5:00 AM MDT
The Rise of Sustainable Fashion by Barclays Eagle Labs - Virtual Events
This event will explain how sustainability is the heart of innovative fashion businesses. This means redefining the throwaway culture of the fashion industry. Featured speakers from sustainable fashion brands include Josh King-Archer from Slowly by Consensus, Kresse Wesling from Elvis & Kresse, and Holly Boxall from Trash Planet. There will be time for a Q&A session and will answer questions from the audience.
WEDNESDAY, august 10th, 2022
8:00 - 9:00 PM MDT
20 Years of Vintage Buying Experience in 20 Minutes by Best Friend Central
This event will interview Carrie Diaz, the founder of Best Friend Central. You will be able to learn how to shop secondhand like a pro. Speakers that will also discuss sustainable fashion includes Taylor Blackwell, Noelle Cope, and Brady Reiter.
THURSDAY, august 18th, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Mending Circle with Cameron Russell and Rielly Fitzsimmons by Remake
This virtual mending circle will be hosted by Cameron Russel and will feature sustainable fashion designer and content creator Reilly Fitzsimmons.
MONDAY, august 22ND, 2022
7:00 - 8:30 PM MDT
Virtual Adult Lecture: Fashion History: It's So Much More Than Clothes! By Taylorsville Library
This event will allow you to learn from Amanda Hallay, fashion historian and costume consultant. She will discuss why flapper dresses, empire waistlines and Victorian top hats meant so much more than being on trend.
WEDNESDAY, august 24TH, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Building a Practical Toolkit to Activate and Manage Your Business by Remake
This skill-building workshop with Nancy Rhodes will allow you to manage your business in an ever-changing world. Nancy will share how she grew her business called “alternew” while working full time. Actionable tools will be provided alongside tips on how your ideas can get quick results, how “collaboworking” works and tips on how to overcome pivoting in life.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Fashion Circularity by Fashion Revolution USA
This panel event will focus on how the fashion industry can build out a more circular fashion economy. Policies that can help make the fashion industry more circular will be explored. You will also learn about the circle economy waste hierarchy, how it relates to fashion, and the challenges found in circular modes of production.
WEDNESDAY, august 31ST, 2022
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Think Globally, Act Locally with Climate Activists from India by Remake
This event will help you be in conversation with youth climate activist Disha Ravi and four of Remake’s climate justice activists. The discussion will center around climate justice and how you can make a difference in your local community.