5 Shopping Tips for Second-Hand Stores

Have you been thinking about shopping at second-hand stores but still need help? Buying used clothing can certainly be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. It can also be disorienting and confusing if you don’t have a game plan. This blog article is here to help you find your way when shopping second-hand. It will allow you to find great pieces that you’ll love and wear for years to come! 

1.Take Your Time 

Shopping second-hand will take longer than shopping at a normal retail store. Clothing will not be arranged as neatly nor should you expect anything from a new shop! Every second-hand store is laid out differently, so you’ll have to look around and investigate where everything is at. Sometimes the colors are mixed up, the sizing can be off and you may not immediately find what you're looking for. So make sure to arrive with some time to explore and to walk up and down the aisles. If you need something in particular, keep that in mind as you wander the store. It’ll help you focus and give you a sense of control in the midst of all the selections. Give yourself one or two hours to explore a local second-hand store. You may end up finding the coolest fashion pieces ever!

2. Unlock Your Imagination 

Bring a creative mindset when shopping at second-hand stores. The lighting and merchandise set-up may not be the best, so try to envision what each piece would look like in a killer outfit. Try imagining how it would look paired with the right pair of pants, accessories and shoes. And envision it matched with different pieces you own, where you could wear it and how long you would think you’d want to hold on to it. Imaginative shopping will also further allow you to create cool and unique outfits. The main challenge will be to look outside of the confines of the store and see it for what it can become in your life. See what is not yet there! 

5 Shopping Tips for Second-Hand Shops

3. Know Your Style 

Shopping second-hand is a lot easier when you know what you like and what you don’t like. It helps when you're looking through hundreds of unique pieces in second-hand shops. So think about what pieces in your closet you wear the most and reflect on why you wear them so often. But if you don’t know what your personal style is, then second-hand shopping is a great place to figure this out too. It's the perfect place to be exposed to a different array of styles, prints and trends from all different decades. Plus, you won’t be restricted to the current trends and style found in major fast fashion stores. Second-hand shopping will increase your self-awareness by exploring different outfits and how they make you feel. And it will encourage you to keep shopping second-hand and find the pieces that resonate with your most authentic self. 

4. Be Focused

Shop second-hand with a fixed mindset that its going to be a bit chaotic ( it is not easy if you aren't used to it.) It is okay to take breaks if things get pretty overwhelming. But try to remember that if you keep it, then you'll likely find cool pieces that otherwise would have been missed. But still be careful of all the options! Second-hand shopping can tempt you to buy things you don’t need. Items that look cute at the moment, but have nowhere to be worn, will end up in the back of the closet, or in the trash. And if you don’t have an exact reason to go second-hand shopping, you may just end up with more than you ever expected to bring home! 

5 Shopping Tips for Second-Hand Shops

5. Just Have Fun 

Second-hand shopping can, and should, be fun!!! Approach it as something that can be entertaining. You never know what you will see and that is what makes the experience so unique. This is such a contrast to fast fashion brands that offer super-curated shopping experiences for its micro-trends. This may be what you are used to, but it can make shopping a bit standardized. It is very likely you’ll end up wearing the same thing as everyone else. So, consider second-hand shopping to try something new and find unique pieces that speak just to you! So, go off and enjoy fashion without hurting the earth and people in the process!!!