6 Great Reasons You Should Try Slow Fashion Movement’s #FashionDetox Challenge

Have you ever considered quitting fast fashion? I personally know how hard it was to stop shopping fast fashion because it used to be so fun and relaxing for me! It was only after I joined different sustainable organizations and networks that I realized the negative impact my actions had on others and earth. Slow Fashion Movement really helped me in finding a community filled with like-minded people trying to be more ethical and sustainable consumers. This is why I highly recommend you join their annual #FashionDetox challenge from July 2021 to September 2021. It aims to help people choice slow fashion versus fast fashion. Here are six specific reasons why you join and sign up for the challenge! 

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  1. 2,000 have already joined 

You won’t be alone on this journey. There is now 2,000 people (and counting) who will be quitting fast fashion with you at the same time! It certainly isn’t easy going on a detox all by yourself. This is why it's important to try what works best for you and your lifestyle while still being in a like-minded community. 

And if you are thinking “wow i love this” but don’t have time right now, consider detoxing later ! Slow Fashion Movement is always open to receive slow fashion beginners. Sign up when you think you can participate. Just having an intention to start your journey is super powerful and the Slow Fashion Movement will be ready to embrace that. (However, they are actually striving to get 20,000 people to sign up before July 2021, but please don’t pressure yourself.) Follow them on Insta to get a sense of what you’ll be committing to before you sign up. 

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2. Be Part of Something BIG 

You may already be aware of the issues in the fashion industry but are still curious on how to take action. This wondering can totally make you feel alone and powerless when looking at the HUGE and complex issues connected to clothing. This is why being connected to a movement is so important! It can help you feel part of something bigger than yourself and part of making a BIG difference. 

You will be joining a movement that was able to unite 10,000 people last year to become more conscious consumers. Slow Fashion Movement will support you during this 3-month journey. They will provide information and tools to deepen your knowledge on slow fashion activism, help you change your habits and help you stay connected to a global movement of like-minded people. 

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3. Fast Fashion Is Really Toxic, Like REALLY Toxic

Clothing takes an enormous amount of resources. One shirt takes about 2,700 liters of water to make!  If 20,000 people were to stop buying fast fashion then 750 million liters of water and 2.5 million kilograms of carbon emissions would be saved!!! 

The fashion industry is also responsible for 4% of global carbon emissions, with 70% percent coming from upstream activities like energy-intensive raw materials, production and processing and the remaining 30% from downstream activities, which include transport, packaging, retail operations, usage and end of use. This is what makes buying no new clothes so important! It would save tons of natural resources and virgin materials. 

4. Try Something New 

This challenge can help you venture into new spaces and habits! Consider shopping at thrift stores, online vintage shops and even mending your old clothing. It can help you learn new skills and explore different areas of fashion. You should also try watching fashion documentaries, like The True Cost

This slow fashion exploration can also help you better discover your relationship with clothing. It could also help you realize how damaging it is to throw clothing away and help reduce landfill waste. This is important when the most sustainable option is shopping your own closet!!

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5. Become a Slow Fashion Creative 

You can become creative in the fashion industry by making new outfits, getting to know your authentic style and making your own clothing. Taking time to explore how clothing can be reinvented and worn in different ways to truly help you focus on imagination and fun versus seasonal trends!


Consider exploring new style aesthetics to make this journey fun and exciting. This can allow you to envision clothing differently and let you explore different colors, textures and prints. And if you no longer want any pieces in your closet, try hosting your first clothing swap. This can be a social way for you to trade clothing for free with close friends and family members. 

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6. Create a Wave of Change 

If 20,000 people sign up for this pledge, change will happen. The shift in buying fast fashion to practicing slow fashion can be facilitated by following Slow Fashion Movement’s “Buyarchy of needs”: 

  1. We use what we have. We combine clothes in creative ways, discover our own wardrobe, develop our own style!

  2. We borrow and swap clothes. A friend’s preloved clothes can be exactly the thing you're looking for.

  3. If we still need something new, we thrift clothes from second-hand and vintage stores.

  4. And last but not least: we make our own clothes!

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Are you ready to join? Sign up for the #FashionDetox Challenge now!! Consider spreading the message by downloading Slow Fashion Movement’s Supporter Kit. You can also follow them on social media to stay up to date with their latest slow fashion developments: 

Instagram @slowfashion.movement

Facebook @slowfashionmovement.global 

Linkedin @slowfashion-movement

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